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Eth Bangkok

Welcome to the Onchain Points ideas page for ETH Bangkok!

For this event, we have made some changes to the OnchainPoints contract to streamline the administrative features of the contract and to allow for hackers to focus on the core functionality of the OnchainPoints contract. Major changes include:

  • No need for contract whitelisting.
  • Every new user account starts with 100 points for ease of testing.
  • App specific point usage limits are introduced to avoid abuse.

Read more about Onchain Points contract and what's possible in the Build section.

Typical Development Lifecycle

The typical development lifecycle for any new app in the OnchainPoints ecosystem looks something like this (simplified):

  1. Developers build apps that integrate with the OnchainPoints contract.
  2. The app gets reviewed and approved by the OnchainPoints team.
  3. App contract gets deployed and whitelisted allowing the app to access points issued to the users.
  4. Users can spend points by signing a request to spendToken with their wallet, or by sending a delegated request to spendTokensOnBehalf that has been signed by the spender along with the correct allowance set by the user.

Deployed Contracts

This modified contract is deployed to the Onchain Points Testnet. Details about the deployed contract addresses and instructions for connecting to the testnet are below.

Contract NameAddressSource Code

How to connect to Onchain Points Testnet

The Onchain Points ecosystem along with the testnet lives on a dedicated Layer 3 blockchain. You can connect using any EVM-compatible wallet or Web3 provider with the following network details:

Network DetailsValue
Network NameOnchain Points
Chain ID17071

Connect with MetaMask

  1. Open MetaMask and click the network dropdown at the top
  2. Select "Add Network"
  3. Choose "Add Network Manually"
  4. Enter the network details:
    Network Name: Onchain Points
    New RPC URL:
    Chain ID: 17071
    Currency Symbol: POP
    Block Explorer URL:
  5. Click "Save"

Connect Programmatically

Using ethers.js:

const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('');
const network = await provider.getNetwork();
console.log(`Connected to chain ID: ${network.chainId}`);

Using Web3.js:

const web3 = new Web3('');
const network = await web3.eth.getChainId();
console.log(`Connected to chain ID: ${network}`);

Getting Started

We have built a demo contract that demonstrates how to interact with the OnchainPoints contract and use points issued to users. Feel free to use this as a starting point to build your own apps. Just click on the Use this template button to create your own copy of the repository.


Head over to the Ideas page to see the ideas, prizes and inspiration for the hackathon.

Need Gas?

You can get some POP from the faucet.

How to Use the Demo Example:

Clone the repository

git clone

Install Dependencies

cd eth-bkk-demo/
npm install

Copy the example .env file

cp .env.example .env

In .env, set the PRIVATE_KEY to the private key of the account you want to use for the demo.

Running the Demo

Start a local hardhat node:

npx hardhat node

In a new terminal, deploy the modified OnchainPoints contract:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost

Deploy the demo contract:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-demo.js --network localhost

Run the demo points spending script:

npx hardhat run scripts/spend-points-demo.js --network localhost

Enter the contract addresses for the OnchainPoints and SpendingDemo contracts when prompted.

That's it! You should see the points balances of the user and the demo contract change as the points are spent.